Thursday, August 30, 2012

Build A Compost Container: Pallet Project

Pallets are great for building compost containers. They are the perfect shape and size for making square frames and bins for collecting the scraps and debris for your compost. Compost is well know as an excellent source of fertilizer and other benefits for gardens and potted plants. I like composting for a couple of reasons; its recycling, its all natural, its self sufficient and it helps the garden. There are dozens more reasons to like compost and using pallets to make a composter is just one more reason to like the stuff. Using pallets to make a composter is recycling a product to make a container for recycling products AND the pallet composter will eventually become compost itself over the life of the composter you make. Whew! That was a mouthful.

Here is a link to an article I wrote about building a compost container and how to compost at home.

This is the first composter I have built from recycled pallets.  I took the pallets apart for the wood but next time I will use whole pallets cut into sections. Regardless, it works great.  I have been able to produce three batches of finished compost this summer. 

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Please add your comments, pictures or ideas. Everything is welcome and any form of pallet projects or ideas can be showcased.